Progress Report on the ’63 T-Bird (Video 3)

We removed umpteen pounds of oil-soaked sound deadener in the truck area. It's asphalt-based (tar and paper). A leaking convertible top hydraulic system made a mess of things. We also found remnants of trunk mat material.

Trunk cleanup
Crusty trunk area

The weatherstrip around the deck lid was deteriorated and had been painted over. We used chemicals and abrasives to remove old residue and prep the surface for a new one.

Old weatherstrip residue
Weatherstrip removal
Weatherstrip cleanup

The rubber seals between the convertible top and body (called arm pads) have a metal core and were completely rotted - disintegrated at the touch.

Rotted arm pads
Rotted arm pad seals

Austin uses a tig welder to remove rusted and broken screws that secured the old convertible top arm pads to the top frame.

Rusted screw removal

When the top is stowed away in the trunk a filler panel covers an opening. These seals were bad and painted over too so they get replaced.

Deck panel seal

In this video progress report on the '63 T-Bird we take a look at the convertible top system...